Family Fringillidae reported in Maine
(Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Aves, Order Passeriformes)

a project of
Maine Natural History Observatory
reproduced here with the permission of the Observatory

(updated 21 February 2025)

You are invited to send to additions/corrections to the list of birds in Family Fringillidae as well as information for the tabular keys on this page that will help distinguish one taxon from another.

Family Fringillidae in Maine
In Maine, 13 species in 8 genera have been reported.

If you know which species you have or are interested in learning about, click on the appropriate species link below. Otherwise, to determine which genus the bird that you are trying to identify belongs to, refer to the tabular key immediately below the species list.

Family Fringillidae (10 genera, 13 species)
   Fringilla (1 species)
      Fringilla coelebs - Common Chaffinch
   Coccusthraustes (1 species)
      Coccusthraustes vespertinus - Evening Grosbeak
   Pinicola (1 species)
      Pinicola enucleator - Pine Grosbeak
   Leucosticte (1 species)
      Leucosticte tephrocots - Gray-crowned Rosy-finch
   Haemorhous (2 species)
      Haemorhous mexicanus - House Finch
      Haemorhous purpureus - Purple Finch
   Acanthis (1 species)
      Acanthis flammea - Common Redpoll
   Loxia (2 species)
      Loxia curvirostra - Red Crossbill
      Loxia leucoptera - White-winged Crossbill
   Spinus (4 species)
      Spinus spinus - Eurasian Siskin
      Spinus pinus - Pine Siskin
      Spinus psaltria - Lesser Goldfinch
      Spinus tristis - American Goldfinch

Family Fringillidae (common name?)
[information to be added]

Key to the genera of Family Fringillidae in Maine (to be completed)
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5

Fringilla (Chaffinch)
[information to be added]

Fringilla coelebs (Common Chaffinch) - This species is rare in Maine.

Coccusthraustes (Grosbeak)
[information to be added]

Coccusthraustes vespertinus (Evening Grosbeak) - [information to be added]

Pinicola (Grosbeak)
[information to be added]

Pinicola enucleator (Pine Grosbeak) - [information to be added]

Leucosticte (Rosy-finch)
[information to be added]

Leucosticte tephrocots (Gray-crowned Rosy-finch) - This species is rare in Maine.

Haemorhous (Finch)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Haemorhous in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
H. mexicanus
H. purpureus

Haemorhous mexicanus (House Finch) - [information to be added]

Haemorhous purpureus (Purple Finch) - [information to be added]

Acanthis (Redpoll)
[information to be added]

Acanthis flammea (Common Redpoll) - [information to be added]

Loxia (Crossbill)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Loxia in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
L. curvirostra
L. leucoptera

Loxia curvirostra (Red Crossbill) - [information to be added]

Loxia leucoptera (White-winged Crossbill) - [information to be added]

Spinus (common name?)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Spinus in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
S. spinus
S. pinus
S. psaltria
S. tristis

Spinus spinus (Eurasian siskin) - This species is rare in Maine.

Spinus pinus (Pine siskin) - [information to be added]

Spinus psaltria (Lesser Goldfinch) - This species is rare in Maine.

Spinus tristis (American Goldfinch)

(click on image to enlarge)