Order Charadriiformes reported in Maine
(Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Aves)

a project of
Maine Natural History Observatory
reproduced here with the permission of the Observatory

(updated 21 February 2025)

You are invited to send to info@vfthomas.com additions/corrections to the list of birds in Order Charadriiformes as well as information for the tabular keys on this page that will help distinguish one taxon from another.

In Maine, 95 species in 40 genera in 7 families have been reported. Click on a link below or scroll down for more information.

Family Recurvirostridae (2 genera, 2 species)
   Himantopus (1 species)
      Himantopus mexicanus - Black-necked Stilt
   Recurvirostra (1 species)
      Recurvirostra americana - American Avocet
Family Haematopodidae (1 genus, 1 species)
   Haematopus (1 species)
      Haematopus palliatus - American Oystercatcher
Family Charadriidae (4 genera, 11 species)
   Pluvialis (4 species)
      Pluvialis squatarola - Black-bellied Plover
      Pluvialis apricaria - European Golden Plover
      Pluvialis dominica - American Golden Plover
      Pluvialis fulva - Pacific Golden Plover
   Charadrius (4 species)
      Charadrius vociferus - Killdeer
      Charadrius hiaticula - Common Ringed Plover
      Charadrius semipalmatus - Semipalmated Plover
      Charadrius melodus - Piping Plover
   Vanellus (1 species)
      Vanellus vanellus - Northern Lapwing
   Anarhynchus (2 species)
      Anarhynchus wilsonia - Wilson’s Plover
      Anarhynchus nivosus - Snowy Plover
Family Scolopacidae (11 genera, 37 species)
   Bartramia (1 species)
      Bartramia longicauda - Upland Sandpiper
   Numenius (2 species)
      Numenius phaeopus - Whimbrel
      Numenius americanus - Long-billed Curlew
   Limosa (3 species)
      Limosa lapponica - Bar-tailed Godwit
      Limosa haemastica - Hudsonian Godwit
      Limosa fedoa - Marbled Godwit
   Arenaria (1 species)
      Arenaria interpres - Ruddy Turnstone
   Calidris (17 species)
      Calidris tenuirostris - Great Knot
      Calidris canutus - Red Knot
      Calidris virgata - Surfbird
      Calidris pugnax - Ruff
      Calidris himantopus - Stilt Sandpiper
      Calidris ferruginea - Curlew Sandpiper
      Calidris ruficollis - Red-necked Stint
      Calidris alba - Sanderling
      Calidris alpina - Dunlin
      Calidris maritima - Purple Sandpiper
      Calidris bairdii - Baird’s Sandpiper
      Calidris minutilla - Least Sandpiper
      Calidris fuscicollis - White-rumped Sandpiper
      Calidris subruficollis - Buff-breasted Sandpiper
      Calidris melanotos - Pectoral Sandpiper
      Calidris pusilla - Semipalmated Sandpiper
      Calidris mauri - Western Sandpiper
   Limnodromus (2 species)
      Limnodromus griseus - Long-billed Dowitcher
      Limnodromus scolopaceus - Short-billed Dowitcher
   Scolopus (1 species)
      Scolopus minor - American Woodcock
   Gallinago (1 species)
      Gallinago delicata - Wilson’s Snipe
   Actitis (1 species)
      Actitis macularius - Spotted Sandpiper
   Tringa (5 species)
      Tringa solitaria - Solitary Sandpiper
      Tringa brevipes - Gray-tailed Tattler
      Tringa flavipes - Lesser Yellowlegs
      Tringa semipalmata - Willet
      Tringa melanoleuca - Greater Yellowlegs
   Phalaropus (3 species)
      Phalaropus tricolor - Wilson’s Phalarope
      Phalaropus lobatus - Red-necked Phalarope
      Phalaropus fulicarius - Red Phalarope
Family Stercorariidae (1 genus, 5 species)
   Stercorarius (5 species)
      Stercorarius skua - Great Skua
      Stercorarius maccormicki - South Polar Skua
      Stercorarius pomarinus - Pomarine Jager
      Stercorarius parasiticus - Parasitic Jaeger
      Stercorarius longicaudus - Long-tailed Jaeger
Family Alcidae (6 genera, 8 species)
   Alle (1 species)
      Alle alle - Dovekie
   Uria (2 species)
      Uria aalge - Common Murre
      Uria lomvia - Thick-billed Murre
   Alca (1 species)
      Alca torda - Razorbill
   Cepphus (1 species)
      Cepphus grylle - Black Guillemot
   Sunthliboramphus (1 species)
      Sunthliboramphus antiquus - Ancient Murrelet
   Fratercula (2 species)
      Fratercula arctica - Atlantic Puffin
      Fratercula cirrhata - Tufted Puffin
Family Laridae (15 genera, 31 species)
   Rissa (1 species)
      Rissa tridactyla - Black-legged Kittiwake
   Pagophila (1 species)
      Pagophila eburnea - Ivory Gull
   Xema (1 species)
      Xema sabini - Sabine’s Gull
   Chroicocephalus (2 species)
      Chroicocephalus philadelphia - Bonaparte’s Gull
      Chroicocephalus ridibundus - Black-headed Gull
   Hydrocoloeus (1 species)
      Hydrocoloeus minutus - Little Gull
   Leucophaeus (2 species)
      Leucophaeus atricilla - Laughing Gull
      Leucophaeus pipixcan - Franklin’s Gull
   Larus (9 species)
      Larus canus - Common Gull
      Larus brachyrhynchus - Short-billed Gull
      Larus delawarensis - Ring-billed Gull
      Larus argentatus - European Herring Gull
      Larus glaucoides - Iceland Gull
      Larus fuscus - Lesser Black-backed Gull
      Larus schistisagus - Slaty-backed Gull
      Larus hyperboreus - Glaucous Gull
      Larus marinus - Great Black-backed Gull
   Onychoprion (2 species)
      Onychoprion fuscatus - Sooty Tern
      Onychoprion anaethetus - Bridled Tern
   Sternula (1 species)
      Sternula antillarum - Least Tern
   Gelochelidon (1 species)
      Gelochelidon nilotica - Gull-billed Tern
   Hydroprogne (1 species)
      Hydroprogne caspia - Caspian Tern
   Chlidonias (2 species)
      Chlidonias niger - Black Tern
      Chlidonias leucopteris - White-winged Tern
   Sterna (4 species)
      Sterna dougallii - Roseate Tern
      Sterna hirundo - Common Tern
      Sterna paradisaea - Arctic Tern
      Sterna forsteri - Forster’s Tern
   Thalasseus (2 species)
      Thalasseus maximus - Royal Tern
      Thalasseus sandvicensis - Sandwich Tern
   Rynchops (1 species)
      Rynchops niger - Black Skimmer

Key to the families of Order Charadriiformes reported in Maine (to be completed)
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5

Family Recurvirostridae

Key to the genera of Family Recurvirostridae reported in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5

Himantopus (Stilt)
[information to be added]

Himantopus mexicanus (Black-necked Stilt) - This species is rare in Maine.

Recurvirostra (Avocet)
[information to be added]

Recurvirostra americana (American Avocet) - [information to be added]

Family Haematopodidae

Haematopus (Oystercatcher)
[information to be added]

Haematopus palliatus (American Oystercatcher) - [information to be added]

Family Charadriidae

Key to the genera of Family Charadriidae reported in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5

Pluvialis (Plover)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Pluvialis reported in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
P. squatarola
P. apricaria
P. dominica
P. fulva

Pluvialis squatarola (Black-bellied Plover) - [information to be added]

Pluvialis apricaria (European Golden Plover) - This species is rare in Maine.

Pluvialis dominica (American Golden Plover) - [information to be added]

Pluvialis fulva (Pacific Golden Plover) - Acceptance of this species as a member of Maine’s avifauna is provisional. This species is rare in Maine.

Charadrius (Plover)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Charadrius reported in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
C. vociferus
C. hiaticula
C. semipalmatus
C. melodus

Charadrius vociferus (Killdeer) - [information to be added]

Charadrius hiaticula (Common Ringed Plover) - This species is rare in Maine.

Charadrius semipalmatus (Semipalmated Plover) - [information to be added]

Charadrius melodus (Piping Plover) - [information to be added]

Vanellus (Lapwing)
[information to be added]

Vanellus vanellus (Northern Lapwing) - This species is rare in Maine.

Anarhynchus (Plover)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Anarhynchus reported in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
A. wilsonia
A. nivosus

Anarhynchus wilsonia (Wilson’s Plover) - This species is rare in Maine.

Anarhynchus nivosus (Snowy Plover) - This species is rare in Maine.

Family Scolopacidae

This family of 11 genera and 37 species is sufficiently large to warrant its own page. Please click here to go to that page.

Family Stercorariidae

Stercorarius (Skua, Jaeger)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Stercorarius reported in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
S. skua
S. maccormicki
S. pomarinus
S. parasiticus
S. longicaudus

Stercorarius skua (Great Skua) - [information to be added]

Stercorarius maccormicki (South Polar Skua) - [information to be added]

Stercorarius pomarinus (Pomarine Jaeger) - [information to be added]

Stercorarius parasiticus (Parasitic Jaeger) - [information to be added]

Stercorarius longicaudus (Long-tailed Jaeger) - [information to be added]

Family Alcidae

Key to the genera of Family Alcidae reported in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5

Alle (Dovekie)
[information to be added]

Alle alle (Dovekie) - [information to be added]

Uria (Murre)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Uria reported in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
U. aalge
U. lomvia

Uria aalge (Common Murre) - [information to be added]

Uria lomvia (Thick-billed Murre) - [information to be added]

Alca (Dovekie)
[information to be added]

Alca torda (Dovekie) - [information to be added]

Cepphus (Guillemot)
[information to be added]

Cephus grylle (Black Guillemot) - [information to be added]

Sunthliboramphus (Murrelet)
[information to be added]

Sunthliboramphus antiquus (Ancient Murrelet) - This species is rare in Maine.

Fratercula (Puffin)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Fratercula reported in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
F. arctica
F. cirrhata

Fratercula arctica (Atlantic Puffin) - [information to be added]

Fratercula cirrhata (Tufted Puffin) - This species is rare in Maine.

Family Laridae

This family of 15 genera and 31 species is sufficiently large to warrant its own page. Please click here to go to that page.